In order to purchase orbs you will need:
- Access to either the Apple App Store or Google Play Store
- A debit/credit card or Paypal or credit on the store
- Permission to use the above
Step One
Click on the Jump Orb Button in the top right corner of the main screen.
Step 2
Select the Purchase Jump Orbs option on this menu. The other two options are refill stamina bar and expand character box, which cost 5 orbs and 10 orbs respectively.
Step 3
On this page you will told how many Jump Orbs you are permitted to purchase per month. This amount will change based on your age:
- Under the age of 16: 5000 yen per month
- Between 16 and 19: 20,000 yen per month
- Over the age of 20: No Limit
Step 4
After clicking the text entry bar, enter your date of birth. The format is YYYY/MM/DD, without the slashes. The text pre-filled in the bar is just an example:
19850101 = 1st January 1985
Step 5
After filling in your date of birth, click the orange button to continue to the Jump Orb Shop.
Step 6
The buttons on screen are the pack options:
- The big white number is how many Orbs you will receive
- The small yellow number is how much you will be charged in yen
- The big white text on the button is just the pack name, which will appear in your transaction history on the app store/google play store
After selecting an option, the rest of the transaction will take place through the Google Play Store / Apple App Store.
It is important to note, transactions take place in yen and then will be converted to your local currency based on exchange rates at the time of purchase.
Certain banks will charge you a fee for making a purchase in a foreign currency
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