Beginner Quests

Tutorial Missions have been replaced by Beginner Quests – anybody can attempt these and they will provide lots of rewards! Clear the missions on each page to unlock the next page! The challenge will get progressively harder but the rewards improve too!

Page 1 Missions

Page 1 Clear Reward – 5 Character Gacha Tickets

  1. Clear Chapter 1 Stage 4 of Jump Story mode – 400 Memorial Stones
  2. Use any skill 5 times – 50k Gold
  3. Use any Ultimate Attacks 5 times – 400 Memorial Stones
  4. Summon for Scene Cards 9 Times – Power Up gacha ticket x10
  5. Summon on the Power Up Gacha 10 Times – 50k Gold
  6. Strengthen a character twice – Power Up gacha ticket x10
  7. Consume 35 Stamina on quests – 600 Memorial Stones

Page 2 Missions

Page 2 Clear Reward – 5 Character Gacha Tickets

  1. Summon for Scene Cards 15 Times – 100k Gold
  2. Clear Chapter 2 Stage 6 of Jump Story mode – Son Goku x1
  3. Evolve a Character – Power Up gacha ticket x10
  4. Summon on the Power Up Gacha 20 Times – Son Goku x1
  5. Raise the Overboost Gauge of a character* – 500 Memorial Stones
  6. Summon for Scene Cards 20 Times – 100k Gold
  7. Clear Chapter 2 Stage 11 of Jump Story mode – Power Up gacha ticket x10
*Unit must be fed as strengthening material, Boost Soda and evolution feeding don’t count

Page 3 Missions

Page 3 Clear Reward – 5 Character Gacha Tickets

  1. Login for a total of 2 days – 20 Stamina Bottle x1
  2. Evolve 2 character cards – 500 Memorial Stones
  3. Change Vs. Battle deck – 100k Gold
  4. Win twice in Vs. Battle – 500 Memorial Stones
  5. Summon for Scene Cards 30 Times – Power Up gacha ticket x10
  6. Add 10 people to your follower list – 100k Gold
  7. Clear Chapter 3 Stage 6 of Jump Story mode – Power Up gacha ticket x10

Page 4 Missions

Page 4 Clear Reward – 5 Character Gacha Tickets

  1. Change your Deck Leader* – Power Up gacha ticket x10
  2. Summon on the Power Up Gacha 40 Times – 500 Memorial Stones
  3. Evolve 3 character cards – 500 Memorial Stones
  4. Summon for Scene Cards 40 Times – 100K Gold
  5. Add 20 people to your follower list – 100k Gold
  6. Clear Chapter 4 Stage 2 of Jump Story mode – Power Up gacha ticket x10
  7. Raise a character’s skill level once – 100k Gold
*Standard deck for events and story not Vs. battle deck, back out and back in after switching leaders

Page 5 Missions

Page 5 Clear Reward – 10 Character Gacha Tickets

  1. Login for a total of 3 days – 20 Stamina Bottle x1
  2. Evolve 4 character cards – 500 Memorial Stones
  3. Equip 1 Koma to a unit – 500 Memorial Stones
  4. Summon for Scene Cards 50 Times – 100K Gold
  5. Clear Chapter 4 Stage 10 of Jump Story mode – Power Up gacha ticket x10
  6. Add 30 people to your follower list – 100k Gold
  7. Reach level 12 – Power Up gacha ticket x10

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