A new version has dropped in Jump Stadium, as well as a satisfaction quiz. This is meant to get player feedback with hopes of improving the game for all players. Make sure to fill it out!
Dates: 08/31 13:00 ~ 09/07 12:59 (JST)
NOTE: There is no incentive for completing this questionnaire (No gems, gold, chips, etc.) so you should not feel the need to complete it you may skip it. However, I would recommend doing it as it gives the users an opportunity to voice their opinions.
Below are the translations for all the questions in the questionnaire. They all need to be answered in order to submit it to the developers. For each question, I will also tell you the answering options if there are any, and if there are not I will specify that as well with the word WRITE. The written questions can easily be put through a translator if you do not know how to speak Japanese.
Questionnaire Questions
- How satisfied are you when you play Jump Stadium? (Choose One)
- Disappointed
- Slightly Disappointed
- No Feeling
- Slightly Satisfied
- Satisfied
- Would you continue playing Jump Stadium in the future? (Choose One)
- Definitely Won’t
- Probably Won’t
- Not Sure
- Probably Will
- Definitely Will
- How do you enjoy playing each of the following game modes? (Choose One)
- Championship Mode (Story)
- Disappointed
- Slightly Disappointed
- No Feeling
- Slightly Satisfied
- Satisfied
- Do Not Play
- Rank Stadium (PVP)
- Disappointed
- Slightly Disappointed
- No Feeling
- Slightly Satisfied
- Satisfied
- Do Not Play
- Free Mode (Casual Multiplayer)
- Disappointed
- Slightly Disappointed
- No Feeling
- Slightly Satisfied
- Satisfied
- Do Not Play
- Championship Mode (Story)
- Please let us know what you find the most…
- Fun? (WRITE)
- Boring? (WRITE)
- What is your satisfaction level for each of the following game qualities? (Choose One)
- Gameplay
- Disappointed
- Slightly Disappointed
- No Feeling
- Slightly Satisfied
- Satisfied
- Do not know
- Difficulty
- Disappointed
- Slightly Disappointed
- No Feeling
- Slightly Satisfied
- Satisfied
- Do not know
- Controls
- Disappointed
- Slightly Disappointed
- No Feeling
- Slightly Satisfied
- Satisfied
- Do not know
- Character Balance & Originality (are they similar to their source)
- Disappointed
- Slightly Disappointed
- No Feeling
- Slightly Satisfied
- Satisfied
- Do not know
- Music & Sound Effects
- Disappointed
- Slightly Disappointed
- No Feeling
- Slightly Satisfied
- Satisfied
- Do not know
- Gameplay
- Do you think the match times are long enough? (Choose One)
- Too Short
- Slightly Short
- Just Right
- Slightly Long
- Too Long
- Doesn’t Matter
- How many stocks/lives should each player have in a normal match? (Choose One)
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4 or more
- How quickly did you realize that flicking down while on a platform caused you to fall through it? (Choose One)
- Immediately
- After some time
- Not until now
- Never Played
- Do you have any requests, concerns, or comments to make for Jump Stadium? (WRITE)
- How satisfied are you with each character related item? (Choose One)
- The number of playable characters?
- Disappointed
- Slightly Disappointed
- No Feeling
- Slightly Satisfied
- Satisfied
- Do not know
- The method of unlocking characters?
- Disappointed
- Slightly Disappointed
- No Feeling
- Slightly Satisfied
- Satisfied
- Do not know
- The enjoyment of powering up your characters?
- Disappointed
- Slightly Disappointed
- No Feeling
- Slightly Satisfied
- Satisfied
- Do not know
- The enjoyment of the Scene Card equipment feature?
- Disappointed
- Slightly Disappointed
- No Feeling
- Slightly Satisfied
- Satisfied
- Do not know
- The Simplicity of the Scene Card equipment feature?
- Disappointed
- Slightly Disappointed
- No Feeling
- Slightly Satisfied
- Satisfied
- Do not know
- The number of playable characters?
- Who do you want to see playable in the future? (WRITE)
- Tell us what you think of the characters in the game so far. Do you want any changes made to them? (WRITE)
- How easy is it to navigate through the menus, Like the Championship Menu, Main Menu, etc.? (Choose One)
- Disappointed
- Slightly Disappointed
- No Feeling
- Slightly Satisfied
- Satisfied
- Do not know
- Do you have any comments or concerns about the menus that you would like to bring up? (WRITE)
- Other than the requests above, is there anything you wish to be added or improved upon within the game? (WRITE)
- Tell us a little more about your gaming experience. (Choose One)
- Do you play action games? (Yes/No)
- Are you good at action games? (Yes/No)
- How much do you usually spend on all of your mobile games, in Yen? (Choose One)
- Nothing
- 1,000 yen or less per month
- 1,001-5,000 yen per month
- 5,001-10,000 yen per month
- 10,001-50,000 yen per month
- More than 50,000 yen per month
- How do you usually play your mobile games? (Select all the apply)
- With a carrier terminal (Softbank, AU, etc.)
- using a sim terminal (mineo, Y! mobile)
- Using a tablet terminal
- Using your home wifi
- Using a mobile Wifi Router
- Using a free Wifi Spot
- Other
- What is your gender? (Choose One)
- How old are you? (Choose One)
- What is your occupation? (Choose One)