The most recent update pushed out by the developers has caused major problems for many players. You will only be affected by this if you game is connect to a LINE account.
The main issues that we have observed since the update at 12:00 JST on 11/30/22 are:
- An unexpected prompt has appeared on the title screen
- The player’s account has become unlinked from the device
- The player can no longer log in due to a “Connection Error”
- The player’s Rubies are gone
The developers have done an unsatisfactory job of fixing this and many players are still having issues. I will do my best to guide you on what to in the case of each of the issues above.
The first step for all of the stages below if possible is to make a note of your account ID. This can be found in the top right hand corner of the title screen as shown in the screenshot above.
If your account has disappeared and you are now on a fresh account, the ID shown on the title screen will be for the new account. You should still note this down somewhere for the recovery procedure but if you have any screenshots of your old ID that will be helpful in the recovery procedure.
1.1# An unexpected prompt has appeared on the title screen
If you see the prompt shown below make sure to click the large red button in the middle.
After clicking the red button you will see the prompt shown below.
Click the check box that the arrow is pointing in the screenshot above and then click the green button.
After this you should see a LINE screen with a single Green button. Click the button and you should be okay to proceed to playing the game.
1.2# What to do if you accidently clicked the small Green button in the first screenshot
You will be asked to confirm. You must click the green button on the left shown in the screenshot below to reject.
After doing so, follow the steps shown in section 1.1.
If you advanced beyond that point and the game has taken you to a fresh account. You should be able to close the game and reopen it, then follow the steps in section #2.
2# The player’s account has become unlinked from the device
As long as your LINE account still has your Jumputi account saved on it you will be able to re-link it to your device.
Click the button at the top and center of the title screen as shown in the screenshot above.
Click the OK button.
Click the green button left of center.
After this you should see a LINE screen with a single Green button. Click the button and you should be okay to proceed to playing the game.
If after finishing these steps you are still not on your original account, go to section #5.
3# The player can no longer log in due to a “Connection Error”
You may see an error that looks like this which prevents you from logging in.
If you are experiencing this issue you may need to re-install Jumputi Heroes and attempt to re-link your LINE and Jumputi Accounts. Please follow the steps in section #2 to attempt the re-linking procedure.
4# The player’s Rubies are gone
The reason the Rubies have disappeared from your account is due to a glitch in the account download and linking procedure.
The first thing to try is to attempt to re-link your LINE and Jumputi Accounts. Please follow the steps in section #2 to attempt the re-linking procedure.
If that button is not there or you complete the procedure but the rubies are still missing then continue with this section.
Visit the link above and fill out the form as indicated below. Using a browser that lets you google translate in window will make this much easier.
Country of Use (利用国の選択): 日本 Japan
Email Address (返信用メールアドレス): [Enter your Email]
Platform the Problem Occurred on (問題発生機種): [iPhone or Android whichever you use]
Service (サービス): jump chi heroes/Jumputi Heroes (ジャンプチ ヒーローズ)
If some of the rubies were paid for (it will ask for purchase information)
Problem (詳細): Paid item issues (有料アイテムに関する問題)
Confirm Email Address (登録メールアドレス): [Enter your Email]
Problem date and time (問題発生日時): 11月30日 13時00分ごろ (11/30 13:00 – this is the time the error began occurring according to the devs)
Problem details (問題の詳細): Choose either iPhone or Android from the checkbox list.
In this section it will ask for some more details. The sections will differ slightly depending on whether you choose iPhone or Android.
Please note that while it will ask you about one specific purchase, that information will just be used to confirm your account information is accurate. In a section further down we will mention that all your Rubies have been removed. As the devs are aware that this has happened to many players, that will be taken into consideration.
(1) Date and time of purchase:
Check your Google Play purchase history or emails to see the time and date of purchase.
(2) Amount and number of purchased items:
Check your Google Play purchase history or emails to see the number of Rubies you purchased.
(3) Unreflected items and quantity:
You’ll want to enter something like”ルビー。どれもこれも” to indicate that all your Rubies are gone.
(4) Google order number:
Check your Google Play purchase history or emails to see your order number.
(5) Order date:
Check your Google Play purchase history or emails to see the date of your order
(6) Amount:
Check your Google Play purchase history or emails to see the amount of money (in Japanese Yen) that you have spent on the order.
The next section you should copy and paste in from here:
該当アイテムの正式名称と個数:([X] ルビー OR ルビー。何人か覚えてない)
Here are what these sections say in English:
User ID:
Account Name:
Most Recent Team:
Guild Name:
Most Recent Player Rank:
Details of the problem: (Rubies were removed. The display is different between the game data that has been played so far and the current game data. All my rubies are gone.)
The official name and quantity of the item(s) in question: (“[X] Rubies” OR “Rubies. I do not remember how many”)
Only copy in the Japanese versions and then just enter your information from your account. Try to give as much info as you can, any that you cannot remember can be removed. Any additional information you can think of that you may remember or might have a screenshot/video of somewhere can be included here too.
Remember, wherever possible the response should be in Japanese, even if that means just dumping whatever you write into Google Translate or DeepL you should try that before responding in English.
(1) Date and time of purchase:
Check your App Store purchase history or emails to see the time and date of purchase.
(2) Amount and number of purchased items:
Check your App Store purchase history or emails to see the number of Rubies you purchased.
(3) Amount of purchases made at this time
Check your App Store purchase history or emails to see the number of Packs you purchased.
(4) Unreflected items and quantity:
You’ll want to enter something like”ルビー。どれもこれも” to indicate that all your Rubies are gone.
(5) Document number (Receipt number):
Check your App Store purchase history or emails to see your receipt number.
(6) Order Number:
Check your App Store purchase history or emails to see your receipt number.
(7) Receipt Date:
Check your App Store purchase history or emails to see your receipt date.
(8) Total Order Amount:
Check your App Store purchase history or emails to see the amount of money (in Japanese Yen) that you have spent on the order.
The next section you should copy and paste in from here:
該当アイテムの正式名称と個数:([X] ルビー OR ルビー。何人か覚えてない)
Here are what these sections say in English:
User ID:
Account Name:
Most Recent Team:
Guild Name:
Most Recent Player Rank:
Details of the problem: (Rubies were removed. The display is different between the game data that has been played so far and the current game data. All my rubies are gone.)
The official name and quantity of the item(s) in question: (“[X] Rubies” OR “Rubies. I do not remember how many”)
Only copy in the Japanese versions and then just enter your information from your account. Try to give as much info as you can, any that you cannot remember can be removed. Any additional information you can think of that you may remember or might have a screenshot/video of somewhere can be included here too.
Remember, wherever possible the response should be in Japanese, even if that means just dumping whatever you write into Google Translate or DeepL you should try that before responding in English.
If the Rubies were all free ones
Problem (詳細): Problems with free item (無料アイテムに関する問題)
Confirm Email Address (登録メールアドレス): [Enter your Email]
Problem date and time (問題発生日時): 11月30日 13時00分ごろ (11/30 13:00 – this is the time the error began occurring according to the devs)
In this section it will ask for some more details:
( )アイテムが反映されなかった
( )アイテムが消失した
Copy and paste the circle into the second set of brackets as shown below:
( )アイテムが反映されなかった
This indicates that items were removed.
1)問題が発生した場面(イベント/ミッション/ステージ名 など):
1) Situation in which the problem occurred (event/mission/stage name, etc.):
In this case our answer will be Since the latest update: 最新のアップデート後
2) The official name and quantity of the item(s) in question:
If you remember then type “[X] ルビー” and replace the X with the actual amount lost.
If you do not remember then type “ルビー。何人か覚えてない” Which means “Rubies. I do not remember how many”
3) Details of the problem:
Just copy and paste what is written below. That is how they have written it on their website (the display is different between the game data that has been played so far and the current game data. All my rubies are gone.)
4) Error message displayed:
In this case, you didn’t get an error message, the Rubies are just gone so you will type (there was no error message)
The next section you should copy and paste in from here:
該当アイテムの正式名称と個数:([X] ルビー OR ルビー。何人か覚えてない)
Here are what these sections say in English:
User ID:
Account Name:
Most Recent Team:
Guild Name:
Most Recent Player Rank:
Details of the problem: (Rubies were removed. The display is different between the game data that has been played so far and the current game data. All my rubies are gone.)
The official name and quantity of the item(s) in question: (“[X] Rubies” OR “Rubies. I do not remember how many”)
Only copy in the Japanese versions and then just enter your information from your account. Try to give as much info as you can, any that you cannot remember can be removed. Any additional information you can think of that you may remember or might have a screenshot/video of somewhere can be included here too.
Remember, wherever possible the response should be in Japanese, even if that means just dumping whatever you write into Google Translate or DeepL you should try that before responding in English.
5# Still cannot access my account after attempting re-link
At this point, your best option is to fill in a support form.
Visit the link above and fill out the form as indicated below. Using a browser that lets you google translate in window will make this much easier.
Country of Use (利用国の選択): 日本 Japan
Email Address (返信用メールアドレス): [Enter your Email]
Platform the Problem Occurred on (問題発生機種): [iPhone or Android whichever you use]
Service (サービス): jump chi heroes/Jumputi Heroes (ジャンプチ ヒーローズ)
Problem (詳細): Account issues (アカウントに関する問題)
Confirm Email Address (登録メールアドレス): [Enter your Email]
1) About the problem (問題について): Lost game data / failed to transfer game data (ゲームデータが消失した/引継ぎが出来なかった)
2) Can you agree to the terms of consent (同意事項について同意いただけますか): Agree (同意する)
3) Are you inquiring from new game data (新しいゲームデータからのお問い合わせですか): Yes (はい)
4) Triggers for loss of game data (ゲームデータ消失のきっかけ): Others (その他)
5) The date and time when the game data of “Jumpchi Heroes” disappeared (『ジャンプチヒーローズ』のゲームデータが消失した日時): 11月30日 13時00分ごろ (11/30 13:00 – this is the time the error began occurring according to the devs)
6) Current User ID (7-digit alphanumeric characters at the top right of the title screen) (現在のユーザーID(タイトル画面右上の7桁英数字)):
7) Information before data loss (データ消失前の情報):
User ID before data loss (7-digit alphanumeric characters at the top right of the title screen) (データ消失前のユーザーID(タイトル画面右上の7桁英数字)):
Rank before data loss (データ消失前のランク):
Username before data loss (データ消失前のユーザー名):
8) LINE interlocking (data transfer) operation before data loss (データ消失前のLINE連動(データ引き継ぎ)操作): LINE Linked (LINE連動していた)
9) Have you ever purchased paid items with the old game data (旧ゲームデータにて有料アイテムを購入したことがありますか):
Additional Question if you answer “Purchased on an android device (Android端末で購入したことがある)“
Please send us the latest receipt information when you purchased with an Android device (Android端末で購入した際の、直近のレシート情報をお寄せください)
Here are what these sections say in English:
Date and time of purchase:
Name of the item purchased:
Amount of item purchased:
Number of purchases made:
Total amount of the order:
Google order number:
Date on receipt/order date:
Check your Google Play purchase history or emails to find the relevant information to fill in here.
Additional Question if you answer “Purchased on an iOS device (iOS端末で購入したことがある)“
Please send us the most recent receipt information when you purchased with an iOS device (iOS端末で購入した際の、直近のレシート情報をお寄せください)
Here are what these sections say in English:
Date and time of purchase:
Name of the item purchased:
Amount of item purchased:
Number of purchases made:
Total amount of the order:
Document number (statement number):
Order number:
Date on receipt/order date:
Check your App Store purchase history or emails to find the relevant information to fill in here.
There will be no additional question if you answer “never bought (購入したことがない)“
10) Please answer the following items to the best of your knowledge (以下の項目について、わかる範囲でご回答ください):
『ジャンプチ ヒーローズ』を使用されていた端末(機種名):
Here are what these sections say in English:
Device (model name) where “Jump Chi Heroes” was used:
Most recently used main character name/legend:
Owned character information (as much as possible):
Guild Information:
Try to give as much info as you can, any that you cannot remember can be left blank. Any additional information you can think of that you may remember or might have a screenshot/video of somewhere can be included here too.
Remember, wherever possible the response should be in Japanese, even if that means just dumping whatever you write into Google Translate or DeepL you should try that before responding in English.
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Man, thank so much for saving me and my save game