Click here to open the Jumputi Heroes Player Survey!
You will need your User ID to take part in the survey which can be found in the top right corner on the title screen as shown below:
As a reward for participating in the survey, 100 Rubies will be distributed at a later date.
Below I have translated the questions on the page so feel free to refer back to this post to make sure you are filling the survey in correctly.
Some of the questions require you to write out an answer in Japanese. If you don’t know any Japanese, try running your answer through a translation service like:
- DeepL
- Google Translate
- An Ai Chatbot like ChatGPT
None of these are capable of a perfect translation but as long as they are close enough, the devs will be able to get the gist of your response.
The information obtained for this survey will be used to create new content and improve services for Jumputi Heroes. Your response to this survey may be used in monthly Responding to Player Inquiries posts in the future.
User ID:
[Input your User ID here that we got earlier from the title screen]
Please input your gender.
- Male
- Female
- Other
Please select your Player Rank in Jumputi Heroes.
- 0~49
- 50~99
- 100~249
- 250~349
- 350~600
Have you ever spent any money on Jumputi Heroes?
- Yes
- No
How much do you spend on Jumputi Heroes on average per month? (Skip this question if you answered No to the last question)
- 120 Yen ~ 3000 Yen
- 3001 Yen ~ 5000 Yen
- 5001 Yen ~ 10000 Yen
- 10001 Yen ~ 30000 Yen
- 30001 Yen or more
How often do you play Jumputi Heroes on average each week?
- Every Day
- 1-2 days per week
- 3-4 days per week
- Only on weekends
- Other
How much time do you spend playing Jumputi Heroes on average during weekdays?
- Less than 30 minutes per day
- 30 minutes ~ 1 hour per day
- 1~2 hours per day
- 2 or more hours per day
How much time do you spend playing Jumputi Heroes on average during weekends?
- Less than 30 minutes per day
- 30 minutes ~ 1 hour per day
- 1~2 hours per day
- 2 or more hours per day
Please tell us your 3 favorite series.
Number 1
[Input the name of the series*]
Number 2
[Input the name of the series*]
Number 3
[Input the name of the series*]
*Make sure to use the original title of the series in Japanese. I recommend copy and pasting the names from the Wikipedia page for the series
Do you enjoy playing Jumputi?
- It’s very fun
- It’s fun
- It’s not very fun
- It’s not fun at all
Tell us something you like about Jumputi Heroes
[Input your answer in Japanese]
Tell us something you dislike about Jumputi Heroes
[Input your answer in Japanese]
How often do you participate in Tower?
- Every Day
- Several times per week
- I don’t play Tower
How often do you challenge Catastrophe Class events?
- I’ve challenged every one
- I’ve played some of them
- I don’t play Catastrophe Class events
Do you enjoy playing Super Dimensional Battle since it has been revamped?
- It’s very fun
- It’s fun
- It’s not very fun
- It’s not fun at all
Please share any thoughts you have on Super Dimensional Battle.
[Input your answer in Japanese]
Do you enjoy playing Sparks of a Lost Civilization?
- It’s very fun
- It’s fun
- It’s not very fun
- It’s not fun at all
Please share any thoughts you have on Sparks of a Lost Civilization.
[Input your answer in Japanese]
Do you like the Level 15 Update?
- It’s very good
- It’s good
- It’s not very good
- It’s not good at all
Please share any thoughts you have on the Level 15 Update.
[Input your answer in Japanese]
How do you feel about the current release frequency of Limited Grade characters?
- It’s very good
- It’s good
- It’s not very good
- It’s not good at all
Please share any thoughts you have on the current release frequency of Limited Grade characters.
[Input your answer in Japanese]
Please select the Jumputi Heroes content that you enjoy/find interesting. (You can select multiple answers for this question)
- Getting Characters to MAX Luck
- The Gacha
- Super Dimensional Battle
- Tower
- Talking to my fellow Guild members
- Others
- Character Collecting
- Clearing Difficult stages
- Sparks of a Lost Civilization
- Unity Battle
- Friendship Combos
Please let us know if you have any more input, opinions or requests for Jumputi
[Input your answer in Japanese]
Once you have filled out the survey, tick the check box at the bottom to agree to the privacy policy and then click Send.
The 100 Ruby reward is planned to be distributed from 03/15 12:00 onwards.
Survey Period: 03/01 18:00 ~ 03/10 23:59
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